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Cover design by Stewart Williams
Beth Shook, Ph.D.
Katie Nelson, Ph.D.
Kelsie Aguilera, M.A.
Lara Braff, Ph.D.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Biological Anthropology
Katie Nelson, Ph.D.
Lara Braff, Ph.D.
Beth Shook, Ph.D.
Kelsie Aguilera, M.A.
Chapter 2: Evolution
Jonathan Marks, Ph.D.
Chapter 3: Molecular Biology and Genetics
Hayley Mann, M.A.
Xazmin Lowman, Ph.D.
Malaina Gaddis, Ph.D.
Chapter 4: Forces of Evolution
Andrea J. Alveshere, Ph.D.
Chapter 5: Meet the Living Primates
Stephanie Etting, Ph.D.
Chapter 6: Primate Ecology and Behavior
Karin Enstam Jaffe, Ph.D.
Chapter 7: Understanding the Fossil Context
Sarah S. King, Ph.D.
Lee Anne Zajicek, B.A.
Chapter 8: Primate Evolution
Jonathan M. G. Perry, Ph.D.
Stephanie L. Canington, B.A.
Chapter 9: Early Hominins
Kerryn Warren, Ph.D.
Lindsay Hunter, Ph.D.
Navishni Naidoo, M.Sc.
Silindokuhle Mavuso, M.Sc.
Kimberleigh Tommy, M.Sc.
Rosa Moll, M.Sc.
Nomawethu Hlazo, M.Sc.
Chapter 10: Early Members of the Genus Homo
Bonnie Yoshida-Levine Ph.D.
Chapter 11: Archaic Homo
Amanda Wolcott Paskey, M.A.
AnnMarie Beasley Cisneros, M.A.
Special Topics Author: Robyn Humphreys, M.Sc.
Chapter 12: Modern Homo sapiens
Keith Chan, Ph.D.
Chapter 13: Race and Human Variation
Michael B. C. Rivera, Ph.D.
Chapter 14: Human Variation: An Adaptive Significance Approach
Leslie Fitzpatrick, Ph.D.
Chapter 15: Bioarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology
Ashley Kendell, Ph.D.
Alex Perrone, M.A.
Colleen Milligan, Ph.D.
Chapter 16: Contemporary Topics: Human Biology and Health
Joylin Namie, PhD.
Appendix A: Osteology
Jason M. Organ, Ph.D.
Jessica N. Byram, Ph.D.
Appendix B: Primate Conservation
Mary P. Dinsmore, M.S., (Ph.D. candidate)
Ilianna E. Anise, B.A., (Ph.D. student)
Rebekah J. Ellis, B.A., (Ph.D. student)
Amanda J. Hardie, M.A., (Ph.D. candidate)
Jacob B. Kraus, B.S., (Ph.D. student)
Karen B. Strier, Ph.D.
Appendix C: Human Behavioral Ecology
Kristin Snopkowski, Ph.D.